Serving Sacramento
The vision of Citywide is to gather and send out youth to promote Christ centered relationships through service.
The mission of Citywide is to launch youth into the heart of Sacramento where they will serve with humility, bring a message of hope to the hopeless, and ignite passion and purpose within others.
Why Citywide?
What is Citywide?
Each day groups will be sent out to service projects where they will show the love of God through action.
We start and end each day with live, energetic, and passionate worship and inspirational messages presented by a variety of youth pastors.
Christ Community Church, as the host, will cover the meals and lodging for the duration. This way youth pastors and leaders can focus on building relationships with their students.
When is Citywide?
April 13-17, 2025
It will always fall on the San Juan School District’s spring break. We will kickoff the event on Sunday evening and go until Thursday morning.